School Visits

Sharing my love of books and my experience as a writer is one of the best parts about the author journey. My presentation can be adjusted as appropriate for age and size of group. I’m proud to say that LOST BOYS was chosen as a notable book for 2018 by the National Council for the Social Studies.

Topics I cover include:

  • Describing my novel LOST BOYS I talk about the writing process, how I developed the characters and themes, my inspirations for the book, the process and importance of researching when writing a story outside ones direct experience and the need for diverse stories. Ideal for grades 5-8.
  • Why Historic Fiction isn’t boring – How is historic fiction different than history or biographies? How to use research to tell a good story. What do you make up and what has to be “true?” Do you develop characters differently in historic fiction than in “regular” fiction? Ideal for grades 6 – 8.

I’ve led writing workshops and taught creative writing. Please get in touch with me using the form below to see how we can design a visit or event that fits your school’s or group’s needs.

Event Request

Let me know what you need!


A complete Activity Guide that contains material suitable for teachers, librarians, and book clubs will be available soon.

Online Sources About Boy Soldiers